Friday, June 6, 2014

First Camping & Beach Trip

Jeremy had a few days off in a row this past weekend so we decided to take Rylyn on her first camping trip! We choose Seaside on the Oregon coast because we've been there a lot and know it well - we didn't want too many surprises in case it didn't go well haha! 

Overall the trip went great - Rylyn kept to her usual sleeping habits (about 3-5 hour stretches) and the dogs were very happy to get some time to run on the beach. 

Here are some pics... You know I took about 100! 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Professional Family Photos

We were honored to have Maggie from Honeysuckle Photography out to our house a couple weeks ago to capture our little family. She is the same one who took all the amazing photos from our engagement & wedding a few years back (want to see them again? click here and here).  It was a lot of fun and surprisingly Rylyn and the dogs mostly cooperated!  Ok so Rylyn did cry when I attempted to put her little bow on, but oh well, Jeremy didn't want her to wear it anyways!!  Here are a few pictures, but click on this link to see more:  Meet Baby Rylyn.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


...Really is the best place to be! Loving my daily snuggles with little Rylyn. I've heard kids grow up fast so I'm trying to cherish every moment, even when I am super tired and exhausted!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Well That Wasn't the Plan....

...But apparently babies make their own plans!

Our little girl arrived early, at 34 weeks gestation, on March 11, 2014.

She is amazing, beautiful, feisty, and we are SO in love with her.

The story of why she came early, and how long it took for us to be able to bring her home will come soon. But for now, enjoy some pictures.  

Rylyn James
4 lbs 13 oz
17 inches 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Durian Fruit (what?? This app I have is so strange).
Total weight gain: around 20 pounds so far...
Maternity clothes? Omg yes, though I wore a non materninty dress the other day but it looked more like a long shirt with leggings underneath ;)
Stretch marks? Not that I've seen so far. Fingers crossed!
Sleep: Yes please! Sleep is hit or miss for me these days. Usually after a night of work I sleep great... On my nights off, not so much. I'm up to use the restroom like every 2-3 hours, my hips are achy, and baby girl is pushing up on my lungs so it's harder and harder to breath!
Exercise: I walk to the mailbox sometimes. Does that count? Oh and up and down the stairs at work (usually... I've been taking the elevator sometimes too). I did get my exercise ball all blown up and ready to use more often though so there's that.
Miss Anything: Now this is a loaded question! I guess the obvious would be wine... And being able to put my shoes on!
Movement: I'm still feeling her move a lot but it's different - it's bigger movements instead of just little kicks and flutters. She's just running outta room in there!
Food cravings: Nothing too specific... But my sweet tooth is pretty out of control lately :) cookies and cake and muffins are always on my mind haha.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Jeremy and I both unfortunately got really bad colds this last week... They both only lasted a few nights and we both were lucky enough to have or get the nights off from work. Mine has stuck around in the form of wheezy-ness and a cough but I think that it's partially having to do with baby girl taking up so much space and pressing on my lungs! 
Labor Signs: Not yet! Maybe feeling some practice contractions (Braxton hicks).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! But I do get a bit whiney at times just because I'm uncomfortable but I try to keep that to myself (or just complain to Jeremy!).
Looking forward to: Meeting baby girl! But before that seeing all my family and friends at the various baby showers I have coming up- I'm feeling so blessed already by all of the love and support!